Are you ready for your hero's journey?

Uncategorized May 12, 2021

Have you ever felt... were so busy with life that you see yourself rushing to old age without actually feeling happy or fulfilled in life?

How amazing would it feel to wake each day on purpose and fulfilled in your life!

...that you are missing something, a crucial piece of knowledge that is holding you back from truly loving and living your life?

Wouldn’t it be exciting to finally find that missing piece that has been holding you back from living and loving your life?

..that you are so busy working that you feel disconnected from your family, feeling like nothing is holding you together anymore?

How incredible will it feel to break through the barriers that have made you feel disconnected from your family!


What if I told you... 

By the end of this retreat, through learning the I AM Project Method, it's 3 simple but powerful processes, you will gain back your sense of purpose, find the missing pieces, and have the certainty that you are showing up in your...

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We are the Potters of our Life

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2021
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It is all in our memory...

mind set Mar 28, 2021
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What is the I AM Project?

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2021

As life seems to become more and more complex many of us are looking for simpler ways to navigate our way through the world. The I AM Project is that way...

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Rave reviews about the I AM Project

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2020

I had the pleasure to meet Sara at a dinner party at a mutual friend's home several weeks ago and I learned that she was a hypnotherapist and a very good one at that. I invited her to come back the following day so I could introduce the I AM Project method to her and in her words "it was profoundly powerful and's actually revolutionary"! 

The I AM Project method is the fastest way to get past the issues that you may have struggled with that are true roadblocks to your happiness and success. And the best part, there is absolutely no need to re-experience our past...we simply rewrite it!


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Mindfullness and Weightloss

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2020

When it comes to eating and managing our weight and our health, it is important to acknowledge the importance of the mind-body connection. Our hectic, jam-packed lives may literally be weighing us down. In a recent poll, 38% of adults reported eating or overeating in the past month as a means to deal with or avoid stress, and about 50% of these adults reported these behaviors in the past week.

If this is a feeling or behavior you can relate to, you’re not alone. The good news is: There are steps you can take that may be able to help you to manage or lose weight, and meditation for weight loss is one of them.

 Understanding the terminology around meditation for weight loss

Specific practices and techniques — meditationmindful eating, and intuitive eating — can help us learn or relearn how to have a healthy relationship with food and how to remove any problematic feelings we may have surrounding eating. Weight loss...

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I had a thought...

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2020
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Negative Bias

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2020

Over the years I have worked hard on my own internal struggles, at times wondering if I am going to make it through. For whatever reason, I was also gifted at the same time a curious mind that reminded me "not to believe everything I think or feel".

Being able to witness and question one's own temporary insanity is a very interesting journey to say the least, but perhaps there was a reason for it. I believe considering my work and efforts over the past 10 years or so leaning towards neuroscience and mental health that perhaps I was being groomed for the job, after all, if you have never walked in another person's shoes all you can do is empathize and speculate, but you will never understand the struggle fully.

There are a few major realizations that occurred as I dug into the world of negativity bias and emotional evolution and there were some very profound details that came to life for me. The biggest one was how our minds made sense of the world around us, how we determined what...

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Artificial Intelligence

wellness Jul 31, 2020

Okay, I am not talking about robots or flying cars or any futuristic type of machinery, but what I am talking about is the new world we live in. A while ago I wrote an article titled “Asleep at the Potters Wheel”, in an attempt to create an awareness of the new world we find ourselves in and how much more self-aware we must become to thrive and, yes, even survive. I think the meaning was hidden by my attempt in creative wordplay, so let me be a bit more direct.

For thousands of years, we have lived in an environment that required physical effort to get through the day, from walking everywhere as a necessary form of locomotion, to working with our hands to grow our food, build our shelters and just about everything in our day required our physical effort. This external stressor, we used to call living, helped shaped our body due to the efforts required to live day-to-day. We were physically stronger, our bones and muscles denser, organs functioned better, and many...

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The Emotional Iceberg

Uncategorized Jun 19, 2020
Over the years and having had hundreds of conversations with people of various backgrounds (and many years of introspection) a very common pattern could be seen in everyone I spoke with.
It was simply the time someone visibly displays signs of outrage and frustration, there have been years of "holding shit in and compartmentalizing issues" until something often not even related sets them off, unleashing a tidal wave of energy and emotions that threatens to take everyone out!
I first saw this in myself in a moment while I was giving my son a bath when he was a young child, and early on that day, I had a frustrating conversation with one of my employees which made me nuts. Still stewing over that conversation while bathing my son, and as he was splashing water out of the tub I could literally see the anger flash across my mind like a lightning bolt and get discharged at my son as I yelled at him to stop splashing!
It was an uncomfortable...
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