Client Testimonial

Uncategorized May 02, 2023

Hi. My name is Rob. David asked if I would like to share some parts of my journey through the I AM Project. It won't be easy to keep this short simply because of the timing of when I was introduced to the project, and much will be left out for the sake of length.

In the five years before going through the I AM Project, I was separated, divorced, let go from a long-time job, found out about a terminal diagnosis in my second wife, and eventually lost her during the pandemic lockdowns. That was a lot, to say the least. Shortly after that, I reached out to David, who thought that the I Am Project might be a good fit, which, it turns out, was the beginning of some of the most significant changes in my life.

David challenged me to establish some 'core values.' The way he went about helping me to discover what these could be and then helped me embody them, it was like having a door flung open, and I suddenly had access to a stable foundation from which my life could be viewed, much needed considering the many life changes I have gone through. 

Those deeply embedded values have since created so many amazing changes and insights in my life, though not without some discomfort. What I came to understand was that I could choose my state of being instead of being ruled by my emotions, I could even realign my spirituality and create a faith based on authenticity, not dogma. This was incredibly powerful, as I was also learning to walk without my wife.

In the year and a half since beginning my I AM work, I have realized that there is no 'after' to this program. It is constantly available, and I find that I use the tools daily. The I AM Project also fits incredibly well with my studies as I work towards a career in addictions and grief work, a career shift brought about by the clarity that came from doing this work. I am also working to become an I Mm coach. I find incredible value in this program's practical and straightforward teachings, and I am keen to share the I Am Project with others in a meaningful way.

Authenticity, integrity, ability, and grace. These are my values, and they saved my life. Thanks Dave!


To book a complimentary consultation with David to see how the I AM Project can guide you to the next phase of your life, please follow this link


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