The I AM Project Executive Coaching

Designed for One Purpose, to Clear the Obstacles Out of our Subconscious Mind


"I found myself sitting on my stairs late at night while my family slept, exhausted, thinking to myself ,I don't know how I am going to make it 20 more days, and I've still have 20 more years! The feeling of overwhelm swept over me as I sat there with my head in my hands. I knew there was something I was overlooking, something I was missing that could change everything."

Part of the challenge that we run into as leaders, is that over time, mental and emotional wear and tear can reduce our effectiveness, resulting in a loss of trust in our own decision making process. 

There is often a collision of health, personal, and professional concerns that seem to show up simultaneously, making it hard to navigate and make sound decisions. We are here to clear the path with you so that can quickly get back to what you do best. 

With the I AM Project Executive Coaching, We will help you quickly navigate through the temporary blocks that you come up against and find resolutions that will not only benefit your business, but every aspect of your day to day life.




About David Gilks

David Gilks, 57, is an internationally respected mindset coach, successful entrepreneur, poet, awarded competitive natural bodybuilder, chartered herbalist and MEDP (medical exercise program director). He holds advanced training in Neurolinguistics and is the founder of the I AM Project. For more than two decades, he has taught clients from numerous backgrounds all over the world how to gain true mastery in all aspects of their life.


What experts in the field are saying

Our client includes members of the medical profession, performance coaches, CEO's and high level entrepreneurs. The one thing they all have in common is the desire to be the best in their field without risking their personal life or their health. The I AM Project Methodology takes all the guess workout the challenge of "balance".


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