The Foundations to Vibrant Health

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2024

Despite how complex the world may seem, if you stay with the complexity long enough, you will see the patterns emerge. There are, I believe, foundational tenants or philosophies (rules even) that sit underneath everything in our world, waiting for us to open our eyes to see them.

I believe where we go wrong is when we grab onto one small idea or possibility and hope that it will fix the many things we are choosing to ignore. One area that I find this tendency to be especially prevalent is the world of human health.

Bio-hacking is a new word for an old practice of using various nutritional or physical practices to improve health. I certainly fall into that category, as it has been an interest of mine for the past 30 years. I had made the same error as many as I purchased various pills, powders, and herbs to support my health. Though not totally ineffective, I eventually found a foundational pattern that helped me pull it all together.

That pattern consists of a few key elements, three primarily actually.

Sleep: I have long known but have yet to work at getting really deep, quality sleep. It has only been in the last few years that I have slept very deeply and dreamed vividly. If we do not sleep, we do not fully heal and recover; no supplement will ever replace quality sleep. Sleep hygiene is crucial.

Detoxification: I have practiced various detox strategies for many years, so this is nothing new for me. However, the detoxification of my living area has been new over the past three or four years. This includes the products I use to clean my home, my personal care products, the quality of foods I buy, and the water I drink. Another key strategy is to make sure the home you live in is not making you sick.

Gut Health: I have also spent the past few years learning more about gut health, learning more each day. All the evidence points to the fact that without adequate gut health, nothing else we attempt will work the way we hope. It is not just what we eat but how our food (or supplements) are received. If we lack the necessary gut bacteria in our GI tract, then we have nothing with which to carry out the required metabolic reactions to keep the body running. We need good gut health for good overall health.

Just think of your health, your life like a beautiful mosaic, and there is a big picture that can only be fully created when all of the pieces are present.

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