The Emotional Iceberg

Uncategorized Jun 19, 2020
Over the years and having had hundreds of conversations with people of various backgrounds (and many years of introspection) a very common pattern could be seen in everyone I spoke with.
It was simply the time someone visibly displays signs of outrage and frustration, there have been years of "holding shit in and compartmentalizing issues" until something often not even related sets them off, unleashing a tidal wave of energy and emotions that threatens to take everyone out!
I first saw this in myself in a moment while I was giving my son a bath when he was a young child, and early on that day, I had a frustrating conversation with one of my employees which made me nuts. Still stewing over that conversation while bathing my son, and as he was splashing water out of the tub I could literally see the anger flash across my mind like a lightning bolt and get discharged at my son as I yelled at him to stop splashing!
It was an uncomfortable but powerful moment for me as I could see the risk and danger of allowing things to be left unsettled in my mind. This acute realization began a series of conversations and study that has spanned over a decade which has led to some incredibly powerful discoveries.
It was one of the core foundations in the development of The I AM Project, as we began to explore "what lays below the surface" of our conscious mind, these unseen but very often felt, emotional icebergs, that often threaten to sink our life.
This time in our history is the perfect opportunity to take a deep dive and see what lays below the surface of our frustrations and our fear, it is an opportunity to take back control over our lives and our emotions and truly live the life we have always desired to live, a life of being fully connected to our heart and soul with no place for old stories and resentment...
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