It's our thoughts that count

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2020

One of the things that I became fascinated by is the world of "epigenetics (which means "above genetics") mainly as it suggests that we are not victims of our heritage if that being sickly, overweight for example. We do have the ability to "turn on and turn off" genes in our body through lifestyle modifications which can help us stave off many health risks that have been a part of our family's history.

I have recently enrolled in several new courses, one on medical neuroscience and the most recent one on Ho'oponopono, which is a traditional Hawaiian healing method. The main premise of the healing method is that almost all of our problems that we encounter are because of how we "hold the memory" of things in our minds.

For example...

My unspoken judgment of somebody with weight issues helps keep them trapped in that issue

My unspoken judgment of somebody with an addiction issue helps keep them trapped in that addiction.

My upspoken judgment of somebody's homeless condition helps keep them homeless.

It seems improbable that your decisions and challenges that you encounter have anything to do with me, after all, I was not there, and perhaps I don't even really know you, so how is it my fault?

There is an idea in physics (I am not a physicist but I love this notion) called entanglement which seems to suggest that it's possible for two separate particles to affect each other though there is some distance between them. At the base level of what we are made of are atoms, and so is the rest of the universe, and it is more than likely that we are connected so intricately that there is little that I can say, do or think that does not have an impact of the world around me.

(Quantum entanglement is a label for the observed physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance... Wikipedia)

So if we accept the fact that we are connected at the atomic level, and all other levels from there up, then it's conceivable that my thoughts and emotions that I have (electrical signals and neuropeptides) which are in turn made up out of atoms (which are entangled energetically with all others in the universe on some level) then the signature of my thoughts and emotions (yes, my judgments and insecurities) will connected with similar signatures in the world around me. So in short, my judgment about you will find you and reenforce your judgment about you....scary right?

So the healing tool created by the Hawaiians is a cleaning tool for cleaning our "data" or all of our memories so that we can return to "zero" or a neutral state of being. Here is another interesting part, this healing art form also speaks of the generational memories that it also helps clean up, memories, judgments and bias passed down through multiple generations in your family's lineage, even from those who were gone before you were born. Crazy right!

Well, maybe not so crazy. This latest article mentions that they are able to see evidence of new traits (changes to our genome) be passed down 14 generations within a worm called
C. elegans. Now granted we are not simple creatures like these worms, but the article went on to show "how researchers have found that the descendants of Holocaust survivors have lower levels of the hormone cortisol, which helps your body bounce back after trauma."

There is so much we don't know and are simply blind to many things that old wisdom saw very clearly. The moral to this story? Well, it all starts and ends with us, because how we view the world affects the world, whether or not those ideas, beliefs or judgments are ever spoken, if we thought them, then they have the power to influence the world around us in beautiful or negative ways.

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