What does it mean?

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2018

I have spent the last couple of months reading a great book called Power verses Force. The author had gone through great lengths to show how the energy levels we live in can dramatically influence not only our lives, but has a resounding effect on the world around us. Dr. Hawkins in his book calibrated the energy of numerous emotional states that we often live in and provided incredible insight into the dangers of living in the lower energy states. Lower levels of energy existence such as apathy, grief and fear all are limiting states, which block growth. People living in these states are said to be “dependent” and require strong leadership to lead them out of the slavery of these low energy states. Most living in third world countries are found to be living in these lower energy level states. What I found interesting was the calibration of the energy for emotional states such as pride and desire. For first glance these energy states would appear to be powerful and positive, but there are also dark sides to these emotional states. Desire is a powerful motivator for most areas of human activity and progress in the arena of commerce, but desire can also be destructive as the ones in this powerful state become addicted to it, and in their drive to succeed they can step on and over others because of the all consuming nature of this emotion. The energy levels of love and joy vibrate at the highest levels of human consciousness, and it is said that only .4% of the worlds population ever reaches this level. Love is not dependent on external factors, and when frustrated if love turns to hate, then there was probably never love. Hates stems from pride, not love, love is unconditional, unchanging, forgiving and nurturing and has the capacity to lift others up because of its purity of motive. Dr. Hawkins also stated that if it wasn’t for the higher energy levels of certain spiritual icons that lived throughout

history, such as Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Jesus Christ, with their powerful state of being, the negativity of the world would have self-destructed itself. When I first read this comment, I begin to wonder about the impaling of the one we call Jesus. Was his murder at the hands of the people of that time simply a metaphor for the ultimate sacrifice or was it actually the release of positive energy into a world that had gone dark with its greed and desire? Did his death actually balance the energy scales so that we were lifted up “energetically” at the level of the subatomic realm? I think when we look at the world around us, with the rising levels of war, poverty, misery and despair; we also see a growing trend in person development and spiritual pursuit as if unconsciously or instinctually we understand the necessity for positive change to save our world. I think Mother Theresa had provided the solution for us so aptly when she said “If each of us would only sweep our own doorstep, the whole world would be clean”. If we are investing time worrying about what others could and should be doing, perhaps we only need to do what we can do, how we can make the change in our lives so powerfully so it spills over into the world around us, and “just by our presence” we can “be the change” the world so desperately needs.

C. David Gilks Your Fellow Traveler

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